If you have an extension for your CLE compliance period, follow the below steps to reflect this on your tracker:
1. Make sure you are logged in to Lawline and head to your Tracker in the top right corner, or select the snapshot on your dashboard.
2. Your tracker automatically updates once your compliance period is over, so you'll see your new compliance period showing. If you have an extension, you can move any credits you need back to the cycle that you're still finishing up.
Scroll down to the Lawline Credits section and find the credit you'd like to adjust, then select the three dots on the right and then click Move Credit.
3. A pop-up screen will appear and ask if you'd like to move your credit forward or backward one compliance cycle. Select Move Back.
NOTE: You can move your credit back at any time by selecting the three dots again and clicking the "Undo Moved Credit" option.
4. Once you click move back, the credit you selected will be moved back one compliance cycle. To view this credit, click Previous Cycle at the top right corner of your tracker.
5. Your tracker will also let you know which credits listed you moved from another period by including a purple dot next to it.
Still have questions? Contact us at support@lawline.com.
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