All subscriptions automatically renew each year on the anniversary of purchase. However, you can cancel your next automatic payment at any time without impacting your current access to our catalog.
Keeping your subscription active locks in your price, maintains your access to our library of 1,500+ courses year-round, and keeps your public Lawline Profile active so that you can appear higher in online search results, get contacted by potential clients, and help you grow your practice.
If you would like to cancel the subscription:
1. Log into your account
2. Navigate to the Me menu in the top right corner of your screen > Billing
3. Click the "Cancel Subscription" in the Plan section.
4. Follow the prompts to continue.
5. Fill out a brief, 1-question survey letting us know why you're choosing to cancel (so that we can improve our subscription product for the future!) and then click Finish.
You'll get this confirmation page upon cancellation:
Once cancelled, you will not automatically renew and your access will expire on the end date of your current billing term. In the example image above, access to Lawline would continue through May 14, 2022.
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