Overview of Credit Tracker
With FurtherEd's Credit Tracker, you can track all of your CPE states in one place, see current and previous reporting periods by state, and easily view your progress towards your mandatory requirements. You can also manually import your completion information for courses taken with any other CPE provider!
Below is some guidance for navigating and using the core features of the Credit Tracker.
Navigating to the Credit Tracker
To get to your Credit Tracker, simply login into your FurtherEd account and click the "Tracker" icon in the navigation bar located at the top of your screen.
If you don't have an account with FurtherEd, you can sign up here and begin tracking your CPE!
Managing Reporting Periods
Starting a New Reporting Period
If you are a new user and have never created a reporting period, simply click the green box that says "Add Your Reporting Period to Get Started." You'll then be prompted to enter the state you want to track and the start and end dates for your compliance period. (Adding your license number is optional.)
If you have an existing tracker, you can start a new period by clicking on the drop down from the Reporting Period selector and clicking 'Start New Reporting Period'.
Edit an Existing Reporting Period
If you noticed the dates on your CPE tracker are set incorrectly, or if you've been granted an extension by your state regulating body and want your tracker to reflect your adjusted compliance period, you can manually edit the start and end dates of your reporting period.
To edit an existing reporting period, simply click the settings wheel in the bottom right and select 'Edit Reporting Period Dates'. Use the date picker to select the start and end dates of the reporting period and click 'Save'.
View Past Reporting Periods
You can always view your previous reporting periods by clicking on the dropdown from the reporting period selector and selecting any of your past reporting periods.
Remove a Reporting Period
If you need to remove a reporting period for any reason, just click the settings wheel in the bottom right of the tracker and click 'Delete Reporting Period'. This will remove the reporting period, but not any of your saved certificates.
View Transcript of Completed Courses
To view courses completed within the reporting period, simply click 'View Completed Courses' from the Quick Links section. You will be taken to the My Certificates page, filtered for the state and reporting period dates from the tracker. All courses completed within the corresponding reporting period will be listed with a quick link to view or download the certificate.
Any completions that are added manually to your tracker from another provider will also be listed here and can be edited at any time. You can add these in by selecting the 'Add Credits Completed with Another Provider.' If any need to be edited, click the 'View Completed Courses' button and select the certificate you'd like to edit.
**Please Note: The Total Required Credits Section will not update if you have taken an excess of general credits but are missing credits in other areas such as ethics.
Still have questions? Contact us at support@furthered.com.
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