Here is where you can view and manage the different information about your FurtherEd account. You can view your subscription status and expiration date, manage information included in an individual account, update contact information (physical address, email address, phone number and company name), update profile information, update the account password, and view past purchases.
To get to your account settings, log into and select the "Me" menu located in the right-hand corner of your screen. Then click "View Profile."
You will then be taken to your account page. There are 4 Tabs that will allow you to view and edit your information, shown below.
The first tab you'll see is "Profile."
In this section, you'll be able to view and edit your personal FurtherEd profile.
The next tab over will be "Settings."
Here, you can change your email address or password, as well as update or edit your contact information.
To make an adjustment, click the “edit” button to the right of the item you would like to update. From there, make the changes you’d like. Remember to click “Save Changes” when complete, so this updates to your profile.
The Settings tab can also be accessed by clicking the “Me” menu in the top right-hand corner of your screen and selecting “Settings."
The third tab is “Billing.”
In the Billing tab, you'll be able to view your current subscription information, including when the subscription expires.
Under “Subscription”, you'll also be able to upgrade to automatic renewal or cancel automatic renewal. Under “Billing Information”, you can add or update any payment information, as well as view any store credits you may have with us, or view and print any previous receipts.
The Billing tab can also be accessed by selecting the “Me” menu in the top right-hand corner of your screen and clicking “Billing."
Email Preferences
The final tab in your profile will be “Email Preferences."
Here, you will be able to select which types of emails you would like to receive from FurtherEd.
To deselect a setting, click the box with the check mark and select "Save Changes" at the bottom of your screen. To add a setting, click the empty box and a checkmark will appear, and then click "Save Changes."
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