On the bottom of your NY CLE certificates, you may have noticed this disclaimer:
This certificate may NOT be used to award CLE credit to New York attorneys under New York’s Approved Jurisdiction policy
This is referring to the policy in New York which states that, "so long as certain requirements are satisfied, New York attorneys may count towards their New York CLE requirement credit earned through participation in out-of-state courses accredited by a New York Approved Jurisdiction." (For more information about the policy, including which states are included, check out the NY courts website: http://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/cle/approvedjurisdictions.shtml )
What that disclaimer means is that, if you're watching a course that has not been specifically approved for credit in New York and are taking advantage of that approved jurisdiction policy, you cannot use a NY CLE certificate of completion.
Lawline is an Accredited Provider in NY, so all of our programs are automatically approved for CLE credit. In other words, you don't need to worry about counting credits earned in other states via the approved jurisdiction policy, because our courses are already approved for CLE credit in New York, and are thus eligible for a NY CLE certificate.
Still have questions? Email support@lawline.com.
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